Category Archives: home cleaning

Consolidate your Home Cleaning

Consolidate and Compress Consolidating is a natural outgrowth of these steps. When you start grouping things together, space seems to appear from nowhere. Putting things that were once scattered in several places into one compact think, it means they take up less space. At cost associated with being spread out all over the place. Remember…
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Closet Cleaning

Tidying Up Your Closet Take out your organization notebook planner or use a sheet of paper and make a list of the activities you engage in during a typical week. You’ll probably have things on your list like work play tennis jog garden house cleaning work outdoors hike go out to dinner whatever. Add this…
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Creating Downtime

Creating Downtime or Recreation Perhaps you’re working too much overtime and never had time to play golf like you’re used to. Or maybe look to read but never have the time anymore. Or do you think about playing tennis but whenever you have the time your racket needs to be RE strung or even worse…
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Take a break from Housecleaning

You Deserve a Break Today Another fundamental concept for changing behavior is providing rewards when you do what you set out to do. Probably the greatest reward of getting organized is having more time to spend doing the things you must enjoy. Why not make a list of these things and when you achieve one…
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