Office Cleaning Practices to Help Keep COVUD-19 and the Delta Variant at Bay

COVID-19 so far shows no signs of slowing down, and the new Delta Variant it is making the world worry.
The pandemic has hit every part of the labor industry and has left no business untouched. It has crashed the economy of almost every country it has hit, and now people can no longer afford to keep their offices shut.
Amid these crises, if you’re one of those people who either have to go to the office or operate the office, then we have just the right tips to help you keep the virus at bay.

Limit Surfaces That Employees Need to Touch

Limiting the options that can help spread the virus is the first way to deal with it. If you have to open your office during the pandemic, make sure to make some changes first.
According to WHO, the virus is spreading through human to human contact, cough and sneeze droplets, and by touching infected surfaces.
You can eliminate the third mode of transmission of the virus by limiting the surfaces the employees have to touch frequently. For example, you should try replacing conventional doors with swing doors, in which employees don’t have to move with their hands and can open them with foot or elbow.
Install motion sensors in bathrooms, so people don’t have to touch faucets. And finally, have motion lights replace switch lights to avoid touching the switchboards.

Hire Professional Cleaners

Hiring professional cleaners is the most critical thing you can do to disinfect your office entirely. Limiting the contact surface was only the tip of the iceberg. To make sure that no surface is infected, you need to invest in cleaning help. Expert cleaners will leave no place untreated from carpets to windows to office desks. They know how to clean office furniture, carpets, and windows with eco-friendly cleaning strategies and making office environment productive for the employees.
In Albuquerque, we have affordable commercial cleaning companies that will be worth investing in, especially during the pandemic, as they will make your office space a safe place for your employees to work effectively.

Hiring companies like Mini Maid of Albuquerque after short intervals is recommended to ensure maximum safety and disinfection at the office spaces.

Practice Small Cleaning Tips

Practicing small cleaning tips or even avoiding cleaning mistakes can go a long way. While wiping your desk or any other surface, make sure to not go in a circle or a back and forth position as it will redeposit the germs. Wipe down the surfaces in one direction only.
While dusting, don’t use a dry cotton cloth. Instead, go for a microfiber cloth damped in any disinfectant. Microfiber has a better chance to get rid of the virus than dry cotton cloth. So, use eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

Lastly, gift disinfectant wipes to all your employees and encourage them to use frequently. Also, install hand sanitizers and disinfectant spray wherever you can and make sure that all employees and staff are using them regularly.
Coronavirus, no doubt, has shaken the entire world. The highly infectious virus is hard to control, but it does not mean we should not try to keep ourselves protected. If you’re keeping your office open during the pandemic, make sure to follow these cleaning practices and use echo-friendly floor and window cleaners. It is essential to ask your employees to stay at home if they feel any symptoms and get your employees tested every once a week to limit the spread of the virus.

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