Quick Cleaning Tips

Albuquerque Housekeeping

Professional housekeepers believe that routine cleaning will remove pollutants and unsightly stains from your living environment, keeping you and your loved ones healthy and happy. At times, we require fast, handy responses to a sudden spill or messy situation, through taking lessons from the experts.

Gravel to the Rescue

Need to clean those hard-to-reach spots in a tall vase or glass? Try filling those containers with 1/3 water and adding a scattering of light gravel (usually found in the aquarium department). Cover the top of the bowl with your hands and swirl the water with the gravel inside, the movement will scrub the dirt off along the internal surface. Empty the content of the containers through a strainer (to preserve the gravel for future use). Give the bottles a thorough rinse to remove remaining scum.

housekeeping companies

Choosing Microfiber Over Traditional Materials

These materials are specially manufactured with finer strands of fiber that can better absorb dirt particles from surfaces compared to traditional rags, cloth, and mops. With the use of microfiber mops and brooms, you can effectively speed up your cleaning sessions with reduced effort.

Rinse your microfiber fabrics with water frequently to prevent clogging of the fibers by ensuring that residue is thoroughly removed to optimize cleaning.

Additionally, microfiber products work effectively on their own, without the need for cleaning chemicals. These fabrics are hard-wearing with the absence of chemical corrosion, saving you lots of money in the long-term.

Improving Flushing

Unknown to many homeowners, toilets contain rinse holes beneath their rims. With the use of a mirror, you will be able to assess if the holes are clogged. By using the hook of a clothes hanger, you will be able to remove the deposits and improve the flushing of your toilet system.

Fast Removal of Water Stains

This applies to the awful stain removal around your toilets, faucets, shower or bath areas. All you need is white vinegar that is often already in most homes. Dip a piece of tissue or toilet paper into the solution and spread it along affected areas.

The hard water streaks will disappear in no time and using this treatment once weekly will prevent future stains.

Homemade Wood Polish

For a non-toxic scented cleaning solution for your wood surfaces, consider mixing equal parts vinegar and lemon oil into a spray bottle. Use the solution with a cloth for an environmentally-friendly polishing agent.

house cleaning services
Albuquerque House Cleaning

Mini Maid of Albuquerque
5715 Edith Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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