If you own a dog or a cat, you deal with pet hair. You’ll never be rid of pet hair as long as you have hairy pets. However, you can control the amount of hair in your home, on your clothes and in your car. There are good practices and essential tools to aid you against overwhelming pet hair.
Brush Often. The best way to control hair in your home is to prevent its entry. Brushing your pet often, even once a day for just a minute or two, will pay off. This simple practice will dramatically reduce the amount of hair in your house.
Use Covers. Every pet has a favorite place to lie. Sometimes it’s a piece of your furniture or a dog bed or pillow. A great way to keep the hair down is to cover that spot with a removable, washable cover. When it gets dirty, wash it. Keep two so you can rotate them.
Get Professional Grooming. Get your pet professionally groomed every month or two. A professional groomer not only gets in those deep coat spots, but they trim your pet, reduce the amount of hair and make them look good.
Create Off-Limit Places. There should be some spots in your house the dog or cat isn’t allowed. Keeping the pets off the furniture not only keeps the furniture from getting damaged, it will dramatically reduce the hair on your clothes and across your home.
Keep The Kitchen Clean. A little hair here or there might be acceptable in the living room or bedroom, but the kitchen is a hair-free zone. Ensure you wipe down the kitchen counter tops and strictly prohibit pets from getting on countertops.
Replace A/C and Heater Filters. When you have pets you’ll need to change your home AC and heater filters more often. Your home has hair in the air and your AC and heater pull that air in through the filter. Keeping this filter clean won’t reduce the amount of hair in your house, but it will keep your units running more efficiently.
Pet Hair Vacuum. The best option for fighting pet hair is a specially designed vacuum. They can be expensive but they are one of the best tools to deal with pet hair.
Lint Brushes and Rollers. The lint roller is an essential tool for any pet owner. No matter how hard you try, pet hair will find its way onto your clothes. And there’s nothing quite as embarrassing as having a friend or coworker point out your pet’s shed. Put them in your home, your car and at work.
Gloves. There are grooming and de-shedding gloves made specifically to combat pet hair. They work well and are easy to use. Also, a simple pair of rubber gloves, like the kind you might use for washing dishes, works great to get pet hair off furniture and clothing. Just rub dry or with a little moisture and watch the hair stick.
Grooming Tool. There are a bunch of pet grooming tools with great hair removal abilities. Find one that your pet loves and grooming can be bonding time. Find one that’s comfortable for your grip too, since you may be in for a lengthy pet.
Having a professional maid service in Albuquerque will provide you with quality housecleaning standards that will keep your home looking clean and spotless.
Give Mini Maid® a call today to book your next cleaning! (505) 881-8233.
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