Disaster Preparedness Kits

This year has proven to be a roller coaster of crazy so if you do not have a disaster preparedness kit ready for you home, you can follow these steps to make sure you are ready when disaster strikes.

What should be in your Disaster Kit?

Battery-operated radio and flashlight
Plenty of batteries
Portable phone charges, with full charges
Food and water for at least a few days (make sure you account for the number of people in your household)
Non-electric can opener
First aid kit
Essential medicines (it’s also good to have a list of essential medicines)
Extra clothing and blankets
Hand Sanitizer
Fire Extinguisher
Matches in a waterproof container
Small tool kit
Duct Tape
Copies of personal documents, such as ID or passport (this is if you are unable to access or reach your original documents)
Family and emergency contact information printed out
Extra cash
Paper map of the area (this is good to have on hand if you cannot access the map app on your phone or if you do not have access to your phone)
Permanent marker

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